Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 12 (1985)(ASP Software)(Side A).tzx
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12 12222222222211 6 AAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 h;"Page ";a/h: 4 - Q to Quit": 4 "8";"START THE TAPE": 4 THEN PRESS ANY KEY 3 h;" 48K Only"''" Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 3 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 UUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2 Strontium 2 Lancelot 2 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 2 Aztec 2 ATC 2 ;" STOP THE TAPE " 2 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE ": 2 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE " 2 ;" PRESS A KEY": 2 6 ?>0w++~< 2 6 *>0w++~< 2 *STOP TAPE ALARM* 2 (taken/256 2 2 2 2 2 1 ||~<<B|><< 1 z$="y")+("no" 1 u()=(65536 1 time=65008 1 time=23794 1 taken+" seconds": 1 stop=65020 1 stop=23790 1 start=65000 1 start=23780 1 screen 1 reviews 9 1 rely for using a certain name as a spell,on the off chance (that's 1 q$="THOSE WHO ENJOY": 1 q$="THE USUAL": 1 q$="TAPE MAGS,": 1 q$="SPECTRO-GRAPHICS": 1 q$="PROGRAM FOR": 1 q$="ON TAPE #7": 1 q$="ON TAPE # 8.": 1 q$="MAY I FORGO": 1 q$="MASTER ": 1 q$="LETTER": 1 q$="INTERESTING": 1 q$="INSPIRED THE": 1 q$="HELLO HACKERS.": 1 q$="GREETINGS": 1 q$="GENTLE FOLK,": 1 q$="From HUGHIE ": 1 q$="FOR THE BONES": 1 q$="FOR HIS ": 1 q$="FOLLOWING": 1 q$="EXCEPT TO THANK": 1 q$="COMPLIMENTS": 1 q$="BURT VIERSTRAA": 1 q$="BILL McINTOSH": 1 q$="BIGPRINT PROG.": 1 q$="ANDREW LONG'S": 1 q$="ABOUT EXCELLENT": 1 q$="--AGAIN? .Y/N.--": 1 q$=" PRESS 'Y or N'": 1 q$=" AMAZING ISNT IT": 1 q$=" McGOVERN. ": 1 move=move+1 1 interruptsE d 1 h;"SIR LANCELOT"; 1 h;" 16K or 48K"''" Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 1 g~2p}#~2q}#~2n}#~2o}#~2r}#~2s}: 1 failures and de-pressurisations. Y 1 exitview=(z$="y"): 1 ery time you get killed you have to si 1 cover { 1 colour=p*8 1 by Pete Cooke may 84 1 bolton " 1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbb 1 bbbbbbbbFFbbbbbbbbbbbbbbFFbbbb 1 bbbbbbFFbbbb 1 b,b;"STOP THE TAPE": 1 b,b;"BYE FOR NOW.": 1 b();" secs." 1 a$=" " 1 Y=Y+D(DIR,2 1 X=X+D(DIR,1 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1 T THE TAPE": 1 SPIRO-GRAPHICS ROUTINE: 1 RAMTOP IS MOVED - YOU ARE ADVISED TO FOLLOW THE CHAIN-ING UNTIL YOU LEAVE THE REVIEW SECTION TO AVOID UNUSUAL EFFECTS 1 Q$="OF THIS USEFUL ": 1 Q$="DISASSEMBLER ": 1 Q$=" SPIRO-GRAPHICS ": 1 Q$=" ## NEXT ## ": 1 Mazecode ? 1 M/C 1 DIR=DIR+(Z$="8")-(Z$="5") 1 DDDDDDD22200222 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 A$(N,X)=" ": 1 @B~<<<B><B 1 ;RANGE;" " 1 ;"You took"; 1 ;"You have reached the EXIT !!!! ******** Well done !! ******** "; 1 ;"What colour do you want for paper ? (press 0 to 7) " 1 ;"What colour do you want for ink ? (press 0 to 7) " 1 ;"The best time yet": 1 ;"TYPE AND ENTER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS."; 1 ;"STILL LOADING" 1 ;"START THE TAPE": 1 ;"SPECTRO-GRAPHICS COURTESY OF HUGHIE McGOVERN"'" HORWICH"'" BOLTON"'" Yes You've Guessed- LANCS."; 1 ;"SOFTWARE REVIEWS"'' 1 ;"REM. HACKING DETAILS. The WIPE Code is contained in a Line 1001 Rem statement, With the bigprint code located at address 32000 It is Bill McIntosh,s BIGPRINT routine from tape # 7. Dear Ed Slightly less reviews and more readers letters PLEASE (Creep crawl)." 1 ;"Q Give up" 1 ;"Press A to try the maze again orN for a new maze, or X to Exit"; 1 ;"Please wait..": 1 ;"Please wait a few seconds while the maze is generated.. " 1 ;"Paper ";P 1 ;"NO SELECTED.:";x 1 ;"Loading machine code"; 1 ;"LET TAPE RUN " 1 ;"JAN/FEB ISSUE 1 ;"Ink ";i 1 ;"Given up": 1 ;"Do you want to see your distancefrom the exit (y/n)" 1 ;"Distance"; 1 ;"Controls 5 turn left"; 1 ;"Best time."; 1 ;"AZTEC from Hill MacGibbon"; 1 ;"AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL"; 1 ;"A Nameless Dread": 1 ;"90 90.5 160 181 193.8 194 195 196 197 198 200 202.5 206 210 212 216 225 240 270 271 280 288 300 310 330 350 495 500 600 601 629 631 648 662 668 712 714 716 710 726 730 780 792 810 812 840 " 1 ;"8 turn right"; 1 ;"7 move forwards"; 1 ;"3-d MAZE"; 1 ;"- Move -": 1 ;"'R' TO READ AGAIN"; 1 ;"'L'TO LOAD NEXT ITEM": 1 ;" STRONTIUM DOG from Quicksilva"; 1 ;" START THE TAPE " 1 ;" LOADING " 1 ;" = Your starting place"; 1 ;" STILL LOADING - LET TAPE RUN " 1 ;" START TAPE TO LOAD NEXT PROG.": 1 ;" STOP TAPE - PRESS ANY KEY "; 1 ;" Press P for a printout, or" 1 ;" LANCASHIRE ROSE" 1 ;" PRESS A KEY" 1 ;" ";: 1 3d maze 1 3-D MAZE PROGRAM.... 1 22222222222222 1 222222222222 1 22200222DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD22200222DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD22200222DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD22200222DDDDDD 1 2220022222222222444444442222222222200222222222244,,,,,,4422222222220022222222244,,,,,,,,442222222220 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 122222222222111111111111111111111222222222221111111111111111111112222222222211111111111111111111122222222222111111111111111111111111111111111888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 12) ";HOUR 1 111111111111111111111111111111111 1 00000000000000000000000000000000022222222222222222222222222222200222 1 ................................................. 1 ........... 1 ,taken-256 1 +X+D(DIR,1 1 *N)+(M)),COLOUR*(A$(N+1 1 *(Y+D(DIR,2 1 )=" " 1 ''''''''''" TURN TAPE OVER- PLAY OTHER SIDE": 1 '''''''" DANGER- STRANGE SAVE TECHNIQUE DON'T BREAK OR PROG WILL ERASE ": 1 '''''" Set hours and minutes. The seconds will start off at zero when you start the clock." 1 '''''" Press 'R' to read again or any other key to LOAD the next section." 1 ''''" Unfortunately, there are some other peripheral devices that interfere with the redirection of the interrupt, and which can not be used with either routine.One of the most common ones is the Kempston joystick" 1 ''''" Wizard Prang Presents-"''" The Interrupt Driven Clock" 1 ''''" SAVE Options"'''" Press E to SAVE everything"'''" Press L to SAVE the routine in the Line 0 REM": 1 '''" The clock is now running. If you want to leave it running andreturn to the main options, thenpress ENTER now."''" If you want to leave it run- ning and abandon this program, clearing out everything but the clock code, Then press SPACE." 1 '''" The best way to keep the program for future use is to SAVE the whole thing on a sep- arate tape, so that you can use the time setting routine, which is the easiest way of starting the clock at the right time." 1 '''" Submissions to-"'''''" Spectrum Computing"''" Argus Press Software"''" No.1 Golden Square"''" London W1R 3AB" 1 '''" Main Options"''''" Press C to set the clock"'''" Press L to LOAD next part of the magazine"'''" Press S to SAVE the CODE routines to tape" 1 ''"PS- When we publish a letter, we"''"send the writer Ten C15 tapes. " 1 ''" The clock code is at 65000 andtakes up 175 bytes.RAMTOP is at 64999. You will be able to load BASIC programs and keep the clock running while the new pro-gram runs, provided it does not interfere with the clock code area. You can turn the clock offwith RANDOMISE USR 65020." 1 ''" The clock code is at 23780 in a line 0 REM. This line must notbe moved or deleted while the clock is running, but you can MERGE BASIC programs that do nothave a line 0, and keep the clock running while running the new program. You can turn the clock off with RANDOMISE USR 23790." 1 ''" I see you are using Micro- drives on a 16K Spectrum. That must give you a lot of trouble, and it is going to make this program unusable too. You will have to remove the Interface 1 (or expand your memory) and reload to use the clock.": 1 ''" Press M to return to the Main Options" 1 ''" Press H to SAVE ""highbytes"" CODE 65000,175" 1 ''" - Ed.-"; 1 '"Last chance to change your mind!"' 1 '" worked in a software house by day, but he also writes very competent and comprehensive reviews of computer hardware for a number of magazines." 1 '" used a nom-de-wordprocessor, so that faces could have been saved. They needed him in that job, but they needed the contract more." 1 '" You have probably noticed the names of program authors in this magazine. Nearly all of them are, like you, readers of ours, but they got ambitious and sent us a program or two, and now they are celebrities. For this they even get paid!" 1 '" YOU MUST NOT REMOVE THE CLOCK CODE OR LOAD OVER IT WHILE THE CLOCK IS RUNNING, OR THE COM- PUTER WILL CRASH " 1 '" What we are after is the kind of programs and articles that you would like in the magazine." 1 '" This sort of thing is bound to happen when business and jour- nalism meet. It is not easier, but more difficult to know which side your bread is but- tered on when it is buttered both sides." 1 '" The trouble was that, just as the software publisher was negotiating a big deal with Householdname Computers, poor old Knute's review of that very computer hit the magazine counters. Worse than that, it was an honest and forthright review. Worst of all, it had his real name on it." 1 '" So, many an article is written in those moments between phone calls when one ought to be grafting at the day job. The" 1 '" So it may be that the writers with the suspiciously unlikely names are just trying to tell a few home truths a bit too close to home. Just think of the fuss if I had put the real names in this story." 1 '" On another subject entirely-" 1 '" None of the authors are in any way being modest. Only proven egomaniacs are allowed to work in the computer press, after all. Nor, according to my sources, are any of these shy hacks wanted by the police- in this country." 1 '" Lots of us have more than one bow to our fiddle. If one can program and write decipherable English then one is, at least for the moment, in demand. If you have a fresh young face as well, you even get offers from TV companies." 1 '" If you can program and write reasonable english, why not join our merry band of free- lancers. You won't need a pseudonym unless you have an uncontrollable truthful bent." 1 '" Everyone at Upmarket Printers Inc. was sorry to see him go, and they said that there would have been no problem if he had" 1 '" But they do have a reason, and it comes with a story." 1 '" Browsing through one of those old fashioned paper magazines that still unaccountably lit- ter the computer section down at W H Smith's the other day, I noticed that half the pieces in it seemed to have been written under 'Sue Denhams' (say it out loud)." 1 '" You write 'em and we'll print "''"'em, Hughie. As for reviews, we "''"have only eight in this issue, "''"two less than last time. No, no,"''"don't thank me. It's really no "''"trouble. Anyone else want less "''"of anything?"; 1 '" You can then clear the programarea after starting the clock, and it will continue running as you perform other tasks."''" However, you can SAVE the coderoutines on their own if you wish, on the next page." 1 '" You can stop the clock before returning to the Main options bypressing 'S'" 1 '" The clock will lose time during BEEP, LOAD, MERGE, and SAVE, because these commands disable the interrupt."' 1 '" The clock code is in a line 0 REM statement for 16k machines, but there is also a routine thatputs the code at 65000 for 48k machines, which is a much more convenient location." 1 '" If you have any add-ons other than Interface 1 or 2 connected now, it would be best not to runthe clock until they have been disconnected. All that would happen is that the program mightcrash, but it would be better toavoid it. Options on next page." 1 '" Either location can be used ina 48K machine, but the line 0 REM must not be used with Micro-drives, as it isn't relocatable." 1 '" Because this clock is patched into the fifty times per second system interrupt, it will keep on working even if you BREAK theprogram. It will continue to keep time while you are program-ming or even running another program!" 1 '" Are you sure you want to lose the program? (y/n)" 1 '" CONTENTS - SIDE TWO" 1 '" CONTENTS - SIDE ONE" 1 ' " You seem to have a Kempston joystick connected now (I've been PEEKing your ports) or if not, then something similar thatmay cause a problem. You will have to disconnect it and reloadbefore using the clock.": 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC%%% %%%CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC%%% %%%CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC%%% %%% 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 "to look up in the manual until you get them memorized. Could beclearer, but perhaps that is theway the real ATC terminals are. The manual is twenty pages of dense technical stuff (more rea-lism?) that reckons to be a short training course instead ofjust instructions for a 'game'." 1 "interrupts" 1 "highbytes" 1 "clockrem": 1 "You have ten seconds to view the map of the maze ...."''' 1 "TIME- - - - - - - - - - ";HOUR;":";m$;":00"'''"PRESS ENTER TO START CLOCK OR ANY OTHER KEY TO CHANGE TIME." 1 "Strontium" 1 "Set the minutes (0 to 59) ";MIN 1 "Set the hour (1 1 "Mazecode" 1 "MAGIC NUMBER: ";x 1 "Lancelot" 1 "@@@@Rgd[? !!- 1 "8";"from Mikro-Gen"; 1 "6";"from Melbourne House"; 1 " trouble is that the needs of journalism and business often conflict, even if the boss doesn't mind your freelancing on his time. As an example, my friend Knute Tellyn, who writes under another name (his real one in fact, hee, hee)," 1 " This magazine is made up of a number of articles and other programs chained together like the welcome tape that came with your computer. It may not always work with microdrives." 1 " The best way to read it is to load the articles in sequence following the on-screen prompts. However, you can load individual programs using the program names in the table of contents on the next page." 1 " Save The Goodies ""defence"" Terry's Animated ""cartoon"" Smash the Baddies ""attack"" Software reviews ""reviews"" Guest Hacker(48K) ""jsw editor""" 1 " SPECTRUM COMPUTING - ISSUE 12 JAN/FEB 1 " Please note that some files may need more than one load, but they all auto-run and tell you when to start and stop the tape." 1 " Editorial next page Boxed In ""3d maze"" Letter from... ""bolton"" Software Reviews ""reviews"" Wizard Prang ""interrupts""" 1 " You don't get little airplaneswhizzing about the screen, just the proper identity numbers. No joystick either, instead a very complex keyboard overlay with two-letter labels that you have": 1 " You control an area of airwayswhich actually exists, part of the London Air Traffic Control Centre called the Hurn sector. The only break in the otherwise unreleaved wall of realism is the ability to set a difficulty level, from 1 to 9." 1 " Works 'with a wide variety of joysticks' says the inlay. We can vouch for Kempston, SinclairInterface 2, and cursor types. The keyboard gives a choice of schemes, too, and you only need right, left, and jump, so sticksare not a necessity." 1 " Welcome to our Twelfth issue." 1 " Unfortunately, the first and major challenge is to get the thing to load. 'Hyperload' oughtto have only four letters, just to warn you. I took three tries to load it the first time, but all efforts failed subsequently,so I only had the one go." 1 " This was especially annoying when I suddenly died merely for using a certain name as a spell,on the off chance (that's what adventuring is all about, isn't it?) instead of waiting for the required clue to use with the spell decoding chart." 1 " This simulation of the high pressure job of directing air- craft traffic is apparently so realistic that it is actually being used in Air Corps Cadet training. Certainly it is a mostdifficult and challenging piece of software, not 'just' a game." 1 " This is one of a pair of look-alike programs from a new entry to the Spectrum publishing mael-strom. The other one has a King Arthur theme, but this is set inan Aztec dream. It is a sort of 3D multiple choice adventure." 1 " This game was not ready at theQuicksilva Mega-launch (lunch atMaxims with Ann Nightingale) butTharg, the Editor of '2000 Ad' comic, was there, all green and horrible. So much so that I leftbefore the blowout proper began." 1 " This game is good news for theunconverted, as it fits in the 16K Spectrum. There are 24 roomseven so (it says here- adroit asever, I have seen just two). Youmust collect all the objects to get to the next room." 1 " There is only one feature thatI would moan about. Every time you get killed you have to sit through that flaming funeral march that everyone and their sister used to put into games. This is 1 " There are quite a lot of roomsmost of which seem devoid of alien murderers, but some rooms are very dangerous indeed. The Xkey is for lobbing bombs into 'Medi-Centres', presumably to keep the bad guys from getting first aid. Nice touch." 1 " The only time you type in a word is when using the SPELL keyand even then the magic word hasto be looked up on a chart. Thisis not an arcade adventure how- ever, but a graphic adventure with quirks and oddities.": 1 " The higher levels have heaviertraffic and more radio failures and de-pressurisations. You get a report card after an hour or earlier if you crash a plane.": 1 " The game is a multi-room maze filled with murderers that you have to kill off. They're aliensas well as bad guys so you have plenty of moral justification.": 1 " The action is fast and successelusive. It's not an easy game, and you have a time limit for the completion of each screen just to keep you awake. You can pause the game with H to ENTER (not mentioned on the inlay)." 1 " Joysticks supported are Kemp- ston or Interface 2 (confusinglyitem 3 on the menu). Keyboard controls are QAOP for movement and M and X for fire, my favour-ite layout but re-defineable would have been better." 1 " It is the first game program Ihave seen that, although BREAK proofed, has a facility to copy itself to microdrive. If you've got the drives, I advise you to use them, because you will have to reload often, every time you die in fact. Awkward that." 1 " I feel that violence where theblood flows is much healthier than that A-Team choreography inwhich $8000 worth of ammunition is spread around the set withouteven wounding anyone, but some may object to wallowing in it.": 1 " Could be titled 'Willy gets a Knighthood'. Your little alter ego rushes around his adventure playground wearing a tin suit and waving a sword, but a fat lot of good it does him. He is still killed by the merest brushagainst the other denizens." 1 " By that I mean that you don't type in words but select from a limited number of options like EAT, BRING, LEAVE, and USE. All the options including movement are on the top row of keys, and there is a do-it-yourself key- board overlay to cut out." 1 " Also very welcome is the use of an OPTIONAL fast loader. The other side of the tape uses the normal speed, thus eliminating fast load blues. Full marks for professionalism to Melbourne. And what's stopping the others?": 1 " A Strontium Dog, you see, is amutant human featuring in one ofthe '2000 AD' strips, in which he commits a fair old amount of mayhem and murder. Naturally he is the hero. Some may find the phrase 'Let the killing begin' at the start of the game a teenybit offensive, but it is only being true to the comic strip." 1 " 3000 'scenes' are claimed, butthat probably doesn't mean that many locations. Part of the program has to be loaded from side two, and side one reloaded if you want to go back.": 1 hi=1 for 48K 1 ZERO THE 50TH OF A SECOND COUNTER 1 THIS DESTROYS REST OF PROGRAM 1 SET UP HIGH MEM CODE. CODE IS IN LINE 5011, DO NOT RUN THIS SUBROUTINE WITHOUT LINE 5011 1 SET MINS 1 SET HOURS 1 SET CLOCK 1 INTERRUPT CLOCK WORKING 1 INTERRUPT BACK TO NORMAL 1 INTENSELY IRRITATING 1 APS LTD 11111000001 1 GOLDEN SQUARE LONDON W1R 3AB TEL. 01-437 0626 EDITOR IOLO DAVIDSON " 1 A-Team choreography inwhich $8000 worth 1 11111000001 APS" 1 0 SECONDS 1 * * * ************************* 1 * * * * 1 lo=0 when LINE 0 MOVED 1 ************************* * * * 1 1